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Iranian Journal of Research in English Language Teaching
Scholar Article Impact Factor
Journal Information:
Journal Aim and Scope:
Iranian Journal of Research in English Language Teaching (IJR-ELT) sponsored by Islamic Azad University, Khorasgan Branch (IAUKB) welcomes contributions on current practices in all areas of language studies, especially in ELT. By publishing principally the findings of original research articles in English, IJR-ELT promotes scholarly debates on a wide range of issues and research topics in language studies with relevance to real-world problems. However, IJR-ELT also welcomes submission of discussion articles, review articles, book reviews, book notices, and suggestions for special issues. The Editors assume that the submitted articles have not previously been published and are not being considered for publication elsewhere. IJR-ELT operates a double-blind peer review process.
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0794-2383 - IJRELT
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