Think India
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Journal Information:
Journal Aim and Scope:
Think India Journal with ISSN 0971-1260 is an UGC CARE Journal and peer-reviewed open access journal published monthly in English-language only. THINK INDIA is a multidisciplinary journal dedicated to the research publication in the fields of architecture, business, commerce, development studies, economics, finance, government policies, history, international relations, jurisprudence, knowledgebase, learning, management studies, novel and book reviews, organisational studies, poetry, quasi-judicial studies, resource management, social studies, temporal studies, universal laws, venture capitals, word economics, youth affairs, and alliled fields. , THINK INDIA publishes a wide range of researches and studies on diverse fields of knowledge. THINK INDIA Journal gives priority to the latest findings and achievements from experts and scholars all over the world. Each issue contains a variety of critical articles, extensive reviews articles and so on.
Journal Website is
Indexed with Crossref and DOI
Submit papers for publication to [email protected]
Journal Website is
Indexed with Crossref and DOI
Submit papers for publication to [email protected]
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- ISSN 0971-1260, 0971-1260 | THI
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