TURAN-SAM JournalScholar Article Journal Index
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Our goal is to spread all over the side of the world lives in the persecution of the Turkish population is exposed to a lot today. For example, living within the borders of China due to persecution of the Uighur Turks crushed consanguineous Chinese imperialism. Saha-Yakutia region of Siberia in Russia, Tuva, Hakasya, Bashkortostan, Tatarstan, Chuvash, the autonomous region of Kabardino-Balkaria, Karachay-Cherkessia Autonomous Region, Karakalpakistan, etc. Taymir. as an autonomous state and it is another example of the Turkish Communities. Kirkuk-Iraqi includes Turkmeneli brothers, 45 million Azerbaijani Turks in Iran, up to about 1 million Turks who live within the borders of Georgia, today perceive their country treated as second-class citizens. That such a lofty purpose TURANSAM is established.
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