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"Insan ve Insan" Journal of Science, Culture, Art and Thought |
Scholar Article Journal Index
Journal Information:
Journal Aim and Scope:
“İnsan ve İnsan” Journal of Science, Culture, Art and Thought is an open accessed double blind peer reviewed journal which is published quarterly. The spring, summer, fall and winter issues are published in April, July, October and January respectively.
“İnsan ve İnsan” Journal of Science, Culture, Art and Thought is a multidisciplinary journal. It includes academic researches, investigations and studies with a unique, human-related viewpoint on environment, literature, education, ethics, philosophy, law, economics, management, communications, art, politics, city, history, society, international relations, administration and methodology.
The papers sent to the journal are viewed by two anonymous referees minimum after the preliminary evaluation of the editorial board.
The journal is free, and has no article processing charges (APCs) and no article submission charges
“İnsan ve İnsan” Journal of Science, Culture, Art and Thought is a multidisciplinary journal. It includes academic researches, investigations and studies with a unique, human-related viewpoint on environment, literature, education, ethics, philosophy, law, economics, management, communications, art, politics, city, history, society, international relations, administration and methodology.
The papers sent to the journal are viewed by two anonymous referees minimum after the preliminary evaluation of the editorial board.
The journal is free, and has no article processing charges (APCs) and no article submission charges
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