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International Journal of Research in Finance and Marketing |
Scholar Article Impact Factor
Journal Information:
Journal Aim and Scope:
International Journal of FINANCECE AND MARKETING (IJRFM) focuses on issues related to the development and implementation of new methodologies and technologies, which improve the operational objectives of an organization. These include product development, human resources management, project management, logistics, production management, Services Marketing, CRM, e-commerce, e-Governance, e-Government, quality management, financial planning, risk management, Asset and Wealth Management, Securities and Portfolio Management, General Management, Banking, Insurance and emerging trends in allied subjects. Thus, the journal provides a forum for researchers and practitioners for the publication of innovative scholarly research, which contributes to the adoption of a new holistic managerial approach that ensures a technologically, economically, socially and ecologically advancement and acceptable deployment of new technologies in business practice leading to the welfare and upliftment of society, nation and world as a whole.
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