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International Journal of Research in Electronics and Computer Engineering |
Scholar Article Impact Factor
Journal Information:
Journal Aim and Scope:
International Journal of Research in Electronics and Computer Engineering (IJRECE) is a genuine platform for researchers around the globe to publish their ideas and findings in the form of quality research papers. IJRECE is one place where one can sense the quality of research ideas. With open access and peer review feature, electronics and computer science related research/review work can be submitted for publication. Only unpublished and novel work is considered for publication with a aim to create quality research environment around the world. IJRECE publish only after performing plagiarism test using quality plagiarism testing tools so that novelty and quality of submitted manuscript is judged at first level. Through this online journal worldwide research community gets the chance to communicate and synchronize their research activities leading to growth and application of research and technology.
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2348-2281 - IJRECE
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