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Journal of Science
Scholar Article Impact Factor: Evaluation Pending
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- This journal is indexed by 'Scholar Article Impact Factor' on the 26 December 2015.
Journal Information:
Journal Aim and Scope:
Journal of Science, will be a quarterly peer reviewed scholarly research journal by Publication Division of Indian Science and Technology Organization and is expected to be the leading interdisciplinary science journal from India. The journal is intended as a medium for communication and discussion of important issues that concern science and scientific activities. Besides full length research articles and shorter research communications, the journal publishes review articles, scientific correspondence and commentaries, news and views, comments on recently published research papers, opinions on scientific activity, articles on universities, Indian laboratories and institutions, interviews with scientists, personal information, book reviews, etc. It is also a forum to discuss issues and problems faced by science and scientists and an effective medium of interaction among scientists in the country and abroad. Journal of Science is read by a large community of scientists and the circulation has been continuously going up.
Journal of Science will publish special sections on diverse and topical themes of interest and this has served as a platform for the scientific fraternity to get their work acknowledged and highlighted. Some of the special sections that have been well received in the recent past include remote sensing, waves and symmetry, seismology in India, nanomaterials, AIDS, Alzheimer's disease, molecular biology of ageing, cancer, cardiovascular diseases, Indian monsoon, water, transport, and mountain weather forecasting in India, to name a few. Contributions to these special issues ‘which receive widespread attention’ are from leading scientists in India and abroad.
Journal of Science will publish special sections on diverse and topical themes of interest and this has served as a platform for the scientific fraternity to get their work acknowledged and highlighted. Some of the special sections that have been well received in the recent past include remote sensing, waves and symmetry, seismology in India, nanomaterials, AIDS, Alzheimer's disease, molecular biology of ageing, cancer, cardiovascular diseases, Indian monsoon, water, transport, and mountain weather forecasting in India, to name a few. Contributions to these special issues ‘which receive widespread attention’ are from leading scientists in India and abroad.
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