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E-Learning Methodology-Implementation and Evaluation |
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“Good quality education, provided by trained and supported teachers, is the right of all children, youth and adults, not the privilege of the few”, stressed participants of World Educational Forum – 2015. Quality learning is not only essential for meeting people’s basic needs, but is also fundamental in fostering the conditions for global peace and sustainable development. All young people need to learn in active, collaborative and self-directed ways in order to flourish and contribute to their communities. Along with the basics, they need to acquire attitudes, values and skills as well as information. Their teachers, peers, communities, curriculum and learning resources must help prepare them to recognize and respect human rights globally and to value global well-being, as well as equip them with the relevant skills and competencies for 21st century employment opportunities. To achieve this, it is not enough to measure what learners learn; it is essential to target the classroom experiences that fundamentally shape student learning, and emphasize the range of skills required for lifelong well-being and societal cohesion.” ( quality-education) The “new vision” of eLearning, based on educational aims and priorities, collaboration and community building, integration and partnership, with a strong innovation focus, may probably result more convincing. In Bergen the following elements were identified to be included in the “Bologna process” vision of eLearning: -the use of ICT facilitates dialogue and communication among students, and between teachers and students; - eLearning provides an “extended learning context” (more resources, more fellow students, more teachers) to all students; - eLearning brings some elements of flexibility in time and place, individualisation, and “ownership” of learning that encourage students to take an active role in managing their learning path; - eLearning may support international virtual mobility, international partnership among universities within and beyond Europe; - eLearning brings investment logics into the delivery of higher education, that may capitalise on the existing knowledge and know-how beyond the availability of individual teachers and researchers. (UNIQUe 2011) The monograph “E-learning Methodology – Implementation and Evaluation” includes the best papers, prepared and presented by authors from nine European countries and from more than twenty universities during the scientific conference entitled ”Theoretical and Practical Aspects of Distance Learning”, subtitled: “Elearning Methodology – Implementation and Evaluation”, which was held between 10-11 October 2016, organized by the Faculty of Ethnology and Sciences of Education in Cieszyn, University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland. The speakers from the Open University in Lisbon (Portugal), University of Ostrava (Czech Republic), Extremadura University (Spain), Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra (Slovakia), Curtin University in Perth (Australia), Catholic University College for Education, Graz (Austria), The Lisbon University (LU) (Portugal), Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University (BGKU), (Ukraine), Gdańsk Technical University (Poland), Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, St. Petersburg, (Russian Federation), Dniprodzerzhinsk State Technical University (DSTU), (Ukraine), Jagiellonian University (Poland), Warsaw University (Poland), Silesian University in Opava (Czech Republic), University of Silesia in Katowice (Poland), University of Defence in Brno (Czech Republic), Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin (Poland), Lublin University of Technology (Poland), Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz (Poland), Jan Ámos Komenský University Prague, (Czech Republic), Cracow Pedagogical University (Poland), Lisbon Open University (Portugal), Centre for Innovation, Higher School of Economics in Katowice (Poland), University of Social Sciences and Humanities in Warsaw (Poland), Poznań University of Medical Sciences (Poland), Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, (Poland), University of Social Sciences and Humanities in Warsaw (Poland), Jesuit University of Philosophy and Education "Ignatianum" in Cracow (Poland), Dragomanov National Pedagogical University in Kyiv (Ukraine), Ternopil University (Ukraine) and other educational institutions presented a lectures with interesting study, own research results, discussed about further way of scientific work. The authors include well-known scholars, young researchers, highly trained academic lecturers with long experience in the field of e-learning, PhD students, distance course developers, authors of multimedia teaching materials, designers of web-sites and educational sites. I am convinced that the monograph will be an interesting and valuable publication, describing the theoretical, methodological and practical issues in the field of the use of e-learning for societal needs, offering proposals of solutions to certain important problems and showing the road to further work in this field, allowing for exchange of experiences of scholars from various universities from many European countries and other countries of the world.
This book includes a sequence of responses to numerous questions that have not been answered yet. The papers of the authors included in the monograph are an attempt at providing such answers. The aspects and problems discussed in the materials include the following: E-learning Methodology – Implementation and Evaluation: – European and national standards of E-learning quality evaluation, – Evaluation of synchronous and asynchronous teaching and learning, methodology and good example, – MOOCs - methodology of design, conducting, implementation and evaluation, – Contemporary trends of world education - globalization, internationalization, mobility ICT Tools - effective use of education: – Selected Web 2.0 and Web 3.0., – Massive Open Online Courses, etc., – Social media, – To compare and evaluate, LMS (learning management systems), CMS (Contents Management Systems), – VSCR (Virtual synchronous classrooms), SSA (Screen Share Applications), CSA (Contents Sharing Application), – Cloud computing environment, – Multimedia resources and didactic materials, – Video-tutorial design. E-learning and Intercultural Competences Development in Different Countries: – Legal, social aspects of distance learning in different countries, – Psychological and ethical aspects of distance learning in different countries, – Teacher-student and student-student relationships in distance learning. Theoretical, methodological and practical aspects of distance learning: – Theoretical and methodological aspects of distance learning, – Successful examples of e-learning, – Distance learning of humanities: native and foreign language, philosophy, history, ect., – Distance learning of science and mathematics, – Quality of teaching, training programs and аssessment – E-learning for the disabled. Distance learning and lifelong learning: – Computer training, for prospective and actual teachers, in distance learning, – Lifelong learning supported by distance learning, – Personnel, scientific, information and library services. – E-learning in the Development of the Key Competences: – Key competences in the knowledge society, – Use of e-learning in improving the level of the students’ key competences, – Teachers’ and learners’ competences in distance learning and computer science. Other alternative methods, forms and techniques in distance learning: – simulations, models in distance learning, – collaboration work in distance learning, – distance learning systems, – m-learning.
This book includes a sequence of responses to numerous questions that have not been answered yet. The papers of the authors included in the monograph are an attempt at providing such answers. The aspects and problems discussed in the materials include the following: E-learning Methodology – Implementation and Evaluation: – European and national standards of E-learning quality evaluation, – Evaluation of synchronous and asynchronous teaching and learning, methodology and good example, – MOOCs - methodology of design, conducting, implementation and evaluation, – Contemporary trends of world education - globalization, internationalization, mobility ICT Tools - effective use of education: – Selected Web 2.0 and Web 3.0., – Massive Open Online Courses, etc., – Social media, – To compare and evaluate, LMS (learning management systems), CMS (Contents Management Systems), – VSCR (Virtual synchronous classrooms), SSA (Screen Share Applications), CSA (Contents Sharing Application), – Cloud computing environment, – Multimedia resources and didactic materials, – Video-tutorial design. E-learning and Intercultural Competences Development in Different Countries: – Legal, social aspects of distance learning in different countries, – Psychological and ethical aspects of distance learning in different countries, – Teacher-student and student-student relationships in distance learning. Theoretical, methodological and practical aspects of distance learning: – Theoretical and methodological aspects of distance learning, – Successful examples of e-learning, – Distance learning of humanities: native and foreign language, philosophy, history, ect., – Distance learning of science and mathematics, – Quality of teaching, training programs and аssessment – E-learning for the disabled. Distance learning and lifelong learning: – Computer training, for prospective and actual teachers, in distance learning, – Lifelong learning supported by distance learning, – Personnel, scientific, information and library services. – E-learning in the Development of the Key Competences: – Key competences in the knowledge society, – Use of e-learning in improving the level of the students’ key competences, – Teachers’ and learners’ competences in distance learning and computer science. Other alternative methods, forms and techniques in distance learning: – simulations, models in distance learning, – collaboration work in distance learning, – distance learning systems, – m-learning.
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