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Journal of Research in Traditional Medicine
Scholar Article Impact Factor: Evaluation Pending
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- This journal is indexed by 'Scholar Article Impact Factor' on the 28 June 2016.
Journal Information:
Journal Aim and Scope:
A Bimonthly, Online, Open-access & Peer reviewed international journal
Journal of Research in Traditional Medicine (JRTM) is a common platform for scholars and young aspirant scientists who work in the field of traditional medicine to disseminate and utilize the knowledge of recorded and researched concepts pertaining to the fundamentals of human wellbeing.
The aim of the journal is to comprehend the rich knowledge of traditional medicine in an appropriate scientific manner by publishing evidence based research papers. It also aims at stimulating the aptitude of research in the minds of young health researchers and provide an insight of newer information for traditional medicine practitioners.
Currently the journal accepts articles from the field of Ayurveda, Herbal Medicine, Naturopathy and Yoga. In future the journal plans to include other traditional systems of medicine. For the acceptance to the present rational era the journal is committed to publish quality works which strengthens the knowledge base of traditional medicine. We do not publish papers which does not provide any scientific or logical outputs.
Journal of Research in Traditional Medicine (JRTM) is a common platform for scholars and young aspirant scientists who work in the field of traditional medicine to disseminate and utilize the knowledge of recorded and researched concepts pertaining to the fundamentals of human wellbeing.
The aim of the journal is to comprehend the rich knowledge of traditional medicine in an appropriate scientific manner by publishing evidence based research papers. It also aims at stimulating the aptitude of research in the minds of young health researchers and provide an insight of newer information for traditional medicine practitioners.
Currently the journal accepts articles from the field of Ayurveda, Herbal Medicine, Naturopathy and Yoga. In future the journal plans to include other traditional systems of medicine. For the acceptance to the present rational era the journal is committed to publish quality works which strengthens the knowledge base of traditional medicine. We do not publish papers which does not provide any scientific or logical outputs.
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2455-3166 - JRTM
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