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IP International Journal of Comprehensive and Advanced Pharmacology |
Scholar Article Impact Factor
Journal Information:
Journal Aim and Scope:
IP International Journal of Comprehensive and Advanced Pharmacology (IJCAP) publish quarterly. It is an International, online and print, scholarly, blind Peer-reviewed unbiased Journal Published Four times (quarterly issue) in a year by Innovative Publication. The journal publishes original and high-quality research papers in all areas of comprehensive and recent advances in pharmacology. As an important academic exchange platform, scientists and researchers can know the most up-to-date academic trends and seek valuable primary sources for reference. The journal also publishes articles, reviews, etc., on any issues from the broadest range of comprehensive and recent advances in pharmacology traditions and that cross disciplinary boundaries, through which it tries to provide the latest information on developments in comprehensive and advances in pharmacology, and each issue is striving to bring you critical perspectives and cogent analyses.
Aim, Scope and Objectives: The aim of IJCAP is to serve as a platform for the dissemination of innovative research in all areas of comprehensive and advances in pharmacology. The target beneficiary of the journal comprises both researchers and practitioners and aim to develop interest in the field of research in undergraduate, post graduate, doctoral and post-doctoral researchers for their academic purposes and at the same time, the journal maintains its established and well-respected core strengths in areas such as Pharmacology practices, Pharmaceutical marketing, Clinical pharmacology, Preclinical and Experimental pharmacology, Clinical trials including Pharmacovigilance, Medical education in Pharmacology, Pharmacy and Pharmaceuticals, Dental Pharmacology, Drug delivery, Bio-pharmaceutics, Drug disposition, and Drugs from Natural sources. The journal is essential for researchers, teachers, faculties of pharmarmaceutical companies, policymakers and administrators in medical establishments for their academic and courier prospective. The journal also publishes articles with negative results of a research with proper justification. All manuscripts will go through a strict, rigorous and blinded peer review process. IJCAP keeps pace with new research on how drug action may be optimized by new technologies, and attention is given to understanding and improving drug interactions in the body.
The emphasis will be on publishing quality unbiased articles rapidly and freely available to researchers worldwide for development of research in Medical Science and application of the same in day to day Medical practice.
This journal follows the guidelines set by Medical Council of India (MCI) and Dental Council of India (DCI) for publication in view of academic consideration.
Aim, Scope and Objectives: The aim of IJCAP is to serve as a platform for the dissemination of innovative research in all areas of comprehensive and advances in pharmacology. The target beneficiary of the journal comprises both researchers and practitioners and aim to develop interest in the field of research in undergraduate, post graduate, doctoral and post-doctoral researchers for their academic purposes and at the same time, the journal maintains its established and well-respected core strengths in areas such as Pharmacology practices, Pharmaceutical marketing, Clinical pharmacology, Preclinical and Experimental pharmacology, Clinical trials including Pharmacovigilance, Medical education in Pharmacology, Pharmacy and Pharmaceuticals, Dental Pharmacology, Drug delivery, Bio-pharmaceutics, Drug disposition, and Drugs from Natural sources. The journal is essential for researchers, teachers, faculties of pharmarmaceutical companies, policymakers and administrators in medical establishments for their academic and courier prospective. The journal also publishes articles with negative results of a research with proper justification. All manuscripts will go through a strict, rigorous and blinded peer review process. IJCAP keeps pace with new research on how drug action may be optimized by new technologies, and attention is given to understanding and improving drug interactions in the body.
The emphasis will be on publishing quality unbiased articles rapidly and freely available to researchers worldwide for development of research in Medical Science and application of the same in day to day Medical practice.
This journal follows the guidelines set by Medical Council of India (MCI) and Dental Council of India (DCI) for publication in view of academic consideration.
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