IP International Journal of Comprehensive and Advanced Pharmacology
Tags: International journal, online journals, research journal, scholarly journals, peer-reviewed journal, scientific journal, journal indexing, publisher, ISSN, journal evaluation, impact factor, journal article, publications, citations, authors, editors, reviewers, open access journal and academic journal.
SAJI - Scholar Article Journal Index
Journal Information:
Journal Aim and Scope:
IP International Journal of Comprehensive and Advanced Pharmacology, in short known as IJCAP is an International scholarly, double-blind, peer-review journal, officially published by IP Innovative Publication Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi, India. The journal comprises of well qualified and experienced editorial board members both from national and international level specific to the subject specialities. The journal publishes original and high-quality research and review articles in all areas of comprehensive and recent advances in Pharmacology, pharmacy and Pharmaceutical sciences at high standards. As an important academic exchange, the concerned scientists and researchers can know the most up-to-date academic trends and seek valuable primary sources of information’s for reference from the articles published in this journal. It has obtained international standard serial number (ISSN) for both online (2456-9542) and print version (2581-5555) which enables the author to get access to the specific volume and issues by both the versions.
Aim and Scope: Aim of this journal is to serve as a platform for the dissemination of knowledge and innovative research information in all areas of comprehensive and advances in Pharmacology, pharmacy and Pharmaceutical sciences. This journal covers the publications concerned to drug research related to in-vitro and in-vivo studies so that medical students, researchers, academicians and practitioners can get updates on pharmacology practices, pharmaceutical marketing, clinical pharmacology, preclinical and experimental pharmacology, clinical trials including pharmacovigilance, medical education in pharmacology, dental pharmacology, pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences, drug delivery, bio-pharmaceutics, drug disposition, and drugs from natural sources. This journal also aims to publish articles with negative results of a research with proper justification. The emphasis will be on publishing quality unbiased articles which is rapidly and freely available to researchers worldwide for development of research in medical science and application of the same in day to day medical practice. It maintains the transparency and consistency in its quality publication.
Keywords: Pharmacology, Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical sciences.
Readership: The entire medical professionals using the information’s on drugs related to specific medical fields of the entire medical branches can refer this journal published to update their knowledge on drug research and related aspects.
Subject Cover: This journal covers topics related to drug research pertained to general and specific systemic pharmacology, pharmacy, pharmaceutical marketing, clinical pharmacology, preclinical and experimental pharmacology, clinical trials including pharmacovigilance, medical education in pharmacology, pharmacy and pharmaceuticals, dental pharmacology, drug delivery, bio-pharmaceutics, drug disposition and drugs from natural sources.
Article types : Original research article, review article, case report, short communication ete.
Indexing Information:
Index Copernicus, Google Scholar, Crossref, Open academic Journals Index, DRJI, Citefactor, Global Impact factor, Directory of Journal quality factor, Infobase Index, academia.edu etc.
Aim and Scope: Aim of this journal is to serve as a platform for the dissemination of knowledge and innovative research information in all areas of comprehensive and advances in Pharmacology, pharmacy and Pharmaceutical sciences. This journal covers the publications concerned to drug research related to in-vitro and in-vivo studies so that medical students, researchers, academicians and practitioners can get updates on pharmacology practices, pharmaceutical marketing, clinical pharmacology, preclinical and experimental pharmacology, clinical trials including pharmacovigilance, medical education in pharmacology, dental pharmacology, pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences, drug delivery, bio-pharmaceutics, drug disposition, and drugs from natural sources. This journal also aims to publish articles with negative results of a research with proper justification. The emphasis will be on publishing quality unbiased articles which is rapidly and freely available to researchers worldwide for development of research in medical science and application of the same in day to day medical practice. It maintains the transparency and consistency in its quality publication.
Keywords: Pharmacology, Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical sciences.
Readership: The entire medical professionals using the information’s on drugs related to specific medical fields of the entire medical branches can refer this journal published to update their knowledge on drug research and related aspects.
Subject Cover: This journal covers topics related to drug research pertained to general and specific systemic pharmacology, pharmacy, pharmaceutical marketing, clinical pharmacology, preclinical and experimental pharmacology, clinical trials including pharmacovigilance, medical education in pharmacology, pharmacy and pharmaceuticals, dental pharmacology, drug delivery, bio-pharmaceutics, drug disposition and drugs from natural sources.
Article types : Original research article, review article, case report, short communication ete.
Indexing Information:
Index Copernicus, Google Scholar, Crossref, Open academic Journals Index, DRJI, Citefactor, Global Impact factor, Directory of Journal quality factor, Infobase Index, academia.edu etc.
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- ISSN 2456-9542, 2581-5555 | Int. J. Compr. Adv. Ph
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