Mimbar Sekolah Dasar
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Journal Information:
Journal Aim and Scope:
The aim of this Journal is to promote a principled approach to research on elementary school education-related concerns by encouraging inquiry into a relationship between theoretical and practical studies. Mimbar Sekolah Dasar is only focused to publish high-quality articles in the field of elementary education, both theoretical studies and educational practices.
The scope of the study is only at the level of elementary school, such as the study of learning models, methods, approaches, media, strategy, school management, educational policy, curriculum, etc. Mimbar Sekolah Dasar also opens opportunities for writers to explore various educational problems in relation to elementary school students, elementary school teachers, and prospective elementary school teacher students, in various research designs such as Action Research, Classroom Research, Design Based or Developmental Research, Case Studies, Ethnography, Phenomenology, Grounded Theory, Focus Groups, Live Story Interview, Visual Research, Observational Studies, Discourse Studies, Content Analysis, Corpus Research, Experimental Research, Correlation Studies, Cross-sectional Studies, Comparative Studies, Survey Research, Mixed-Methods Research, Replication Studies, Meta-analysis Studies, Field Research, and Research 2.0.
The scope of the study is only at the level of elementary school, such as the study of learning models, methods, approaches, media, strategy, school management, educational policy, curriculum, etc. Mimbar Sekolah Dasar also opens opportunities for writers to explore various educational problems in relation to elementary school students, elementary school teachers, and prospective elementary school teacher students, in various research designs such as Action Research, Classroom Research, Design Based or Developmental Research, Case Studies, Ethnography, Phenomenology, Grounded Theory, Focus Groups, Live Story Interview, Visual Research, Observational Studies, Discourse Studies, Content Analysis, Corpus Research, Experimental Research, Correlation Studies, Cross-sectional Studies, Comparative Studies, Survey Research, Mixed-Methods Research, Replication Studies, Meta-analysis Studies, Field Research, and Research 2.0.
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- ISSN 2502-4795 | MSD
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