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International Journal of Research in English Education |
Scholar Article Impact Factor
Journal Information:
Journal Aim and Scope:
International Journal of Research in English Education (IJREE) is a peer-reviewed online journal. It publishes scholarly, research-based articles on the areas related to English education. These areas include, but are not limited to, the following topics
- Theory and practice in English language teaching and learning
- Virtual learning environments
- Language teaching methodologies
- Teaching English as a second or foreign language
- Linguistics
- Pedagogical techniques
- Learning theories and teaching methodologies
- English language teachers’ training and education
- Teaching and curricular practices
- Educational psychology
- Philosophy of education
- Curriculum development and teaching methods
- Special education
- Literature and education
- Applied and theoretical linguistics
- Primary, secondary, and higher education
- Second and foreign language teaching and learning
- Educational research
- Curriculum and instruction
- Classroom language
- Classroom-centered research
- Educational change
- Teacher education and professional development
- Pre-service and in-service teacher education
- Teacher education
- Teacher training
- Syllabus design and curriculum development
- Child, second, and foreign language acquisition
- Teacher educator and trainer trainers
- Research on English language teaching/learning
- Translation
- Distance education
- Teacher education through distance education
- Virtual education
- ESP and EAP
- Research methods in education
- English language testing and assessment
- New technologies in education
- Human-computer interaction
- Call
- Language planning
- Higher and adult education
- Phonetics, phonology, and morphology
- Educational theory
- Syntax and semantics
- Multimedia in digital learning
- Discourse analysis
- e-learning
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