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International Journal of Dental Science And Innovative Research (IJDSIR) |
Scholar Article Journal Index
Journal Information:
Journal Aim and Scope:
International Journal of Dental Science And Innovative Research (IJDSIR) is an international Publication House and it aims to explore the innovations surrounding the inter-disciplinary interaction from various perspectives and to encourage cooperation among all scientific and between the academic and business fields. Investigation of knowledge has made scientists famous. So investigation of your work to the world not only makes you legendary but also creates a glow in the flourishing scientists, nourishes the researchers and furnishes the science of art. IJDSIR provides you the platform, with all aspects of Dental Sciences such as Cellular Physiology, Human Physiology, Dentistry, Human Oral Anatomy, Physiology, Tooth Morphology, Oral Pathology, Oral Microbiology, Orthodontics, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. The ultimate goal of IJDSIR is to take your research and review to share your ideas and spread your knowledge to every corner of the world by cutting off the time factor.
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2581-5989 -IJDSIR
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