Social Science & Humanities International
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SAJI - Scholar Article Journal Index
Journal Information:
Journal Aim and Scope:
SSHI is a bi-monthly peer reviewed international open access journal of Social Sciences and Humanities. Social Sciences and Humanities International (SSHI) provides a unique and an intellectual platform for Scholars, Academicians and Scientists for theoretical debates, empirical analyses and promotion of interdisciplinary studies in the field of Social Sciences and Humanities. Our main aim is to disseminate the scientific knowledge and present up-to-date research endeavours from diverse disciplines. We are committed to present the comparative research and thoughts from the different schools of the world in readable and useful manner.
We strongly encourage the studies from the fields that include: Anthropology, History, Cultural Studies, Political Science Philosophy, Economics, Sociology, Behavioural Science, Geography , Cross-Cultural Studies, Demography, Linguistics, International Relations, Public Administration, Literature, Psychology, Education, Forensic Science & Criminology, Women's Studies, Information Science, Law, Library Science, Ethics, Communication Studies, Religious Studies, Role of NGOs in Society and role of Mass Communication. SSHI publishes original articles, review articles, case studies, conceptual notes, letters and book reviews.
We strongly encourage the studies from the fields that include: Anthropology, History, Cultural Studies, Political Science Philosophy, Economics, Sociology, Behavioural Science, Geography , Cross-Cultural Studies, Demography, Linguistics, International Relations, Public Administration, Literature, Psychology, Education, Forensic Science & Criminology, Women's Studies, Information Science, Law, Library Science, Ethics, Communication Studies, Religious Studies, Role of NGOs in Society and role of Mass Communication. SSHI publishes original articles, review articles, case studies, conceptual notes, letters and book reviews.
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- ISSN 2581-7965 | SSHI
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